Thursday, October 24, 2013

Writing Directions

We got a partner and picked a place. We had to write directions, such as 64 floor blocks then make a left. Then you will be at the first and second grade hallway. We had to go to the place and write down the steps movements and turns you make.

When you were done you went back to the class room. The whole class followed your directions. None of them worked! Once they were all done being read we discussed it in the class room. We have to work on our directions skills. We had so much fun and can’t wait till next time we do this so we can see how much our direction writing improved! 

By Jordan

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The First Class Store of the Year!

I think the class store was really fun. Ella was the store manager,  and she managed the store, so she tallied up all of the products’ that people buy. Grant and Ryan were the cashiers, and they collected all of the checks and gave change. The accountants had a big job too. They have to make the checks. Without them, we probably wouldn’t have the class store. How could you buy things if you didn’t have any money?

At the class store, there is a lot of stuff. You can buy balls, foam fingers, pencils, pens, snacks, bugs, t-shirts, bracelets, notebooks, and more! Today I bought a pink notebook and this powder that you put in water to make it taste fruity. I can’t wait for the next class store to open!

Written By Riley