Thursday, December 4, 2014


By Masah and Madden

This is us playing Kahoot. Kahoot is a game you play with a partner and you try to answer math, reading, and spelling questions as quick you can. To play, you have to log in to the game from anything that gets you on the internet. There is this music that plays while you wait. 

To answer questions, the question shows up on the big screen, and there are four shapes on the bottom. Each shape is a different answer. You read the board for what each shape means, and then press the shape you think is the right answer. There's music that plays while you're thinking, too!

It is so much fun to play Kahoot! It is like a competition with everyone, and you see how well you are doing. The places are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th and it also says who you are behind. This is Kahoot!

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